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St Thomas Aquinas Teaching Schools Institute

Experienced based teacher education




Tasmanian Catholic schools and colleges are open to families of all faiths and backgrounds seeking an affordable education based on Catholic values.

Children from non-Catholic families who are prepared to support Catholic ideals, principles and practices are eligible for enrolment in Tasmanian Catholic schools.

Most schools have set enrolment periods for Kindergarten, Year 7 and Year 11 however applications for enrolment in other year levels may be taken year round pending availability. There is strong demand in many of our schools and colleges so families are advised to complete and return their enrolment applications before the advertised due dates.

For applications for enrolment and more information regarding the enrolment process please contact your local Catholic school or college. Enrolment applications are to be returned to the school upon completion along with other required documentation as requested to support the application. Interviews will held with the Principal or his/her representative prior to any offers being made.

When first enrolling in a Tasmanian Catholic school evidence of the student's identity, date of birth and vaccination record must be provided. Additional documents—such as management plans for medical conditions—may also be required where applicable.


Children who are four years old on 1 January can commence Kindergarten in that same year. Enrolment processes for Kindergarten are held in the year before commencement. 


Orientation programs are normally held for students commencing Kindergarten, Year 7 or Year 11 on site in the year prior to commencement. Details of these orientation sessions will be available from your school.

If you are commencing in Catholic education or in a new school outside of our enrolment periods, please contact your school or college for more details regarding orientation for new students. 

Acknowledgement of Country

Catholic Education Tasmania acknowledges and deeply respects the Palawa people, the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community, and all Elders past and present.

We are committed to learning alongside our students and community in this place, lutruwita, and support the continued sharing of knowledge and Culture.